Tarrytown Adaptive Reuse Project of Former YMCA Opens
The project included a rehabilitation of the interior of the original YMCA facility, transforming it into modern apartments.
Boardroom Report
Boards of Directors
Hudson Gateway Association of Realtors, Inc.
Dec. 16, 2020 via Zoom
HGAR Management, Financial & Membership Reports
President Gail Fattizzi presented the President’s Report, noting that the HGAR offices are closed for in-person work and visits except by special appointment through the end of the year, as coronavirus cases are spiking again. President Fattizzi also advised the Directors that sessions are being scheduled for 2021 to continue leadership training and facilitated discussions concerning diversity and inclusion with David Severance and Dr. Nicole Furlonge. President Fattizzi also expressed disappointment in not being able to conduct the usual holiday-time appreciation party for all Directors and volunteers, but was hopeful that in person meetings would resume in the coming year.
HGAR Treasurer Anthony Domathoti presented the Treasurer’s Report for December, which was approved for filing by the Directors. Treasurer Domathoti then provided a detailed review of the 2nd Quarter Draft HGAR Financial Statement dated as of June 30, 2020, which, after review and discussion, was filed for final audit.
CEO Richard Haggerty sought approval of the proposed 2021 HGAR Budget, which was provided to Directors. CEO Haggerty and Treasurer Domathoti presented a detailed review of the 2021 HGAR Budget, and after review and discussion, the 2021 HGAR Budget was approved.
OneKey MLS Report
Chair of the Board of Managers of OneKey MLS Leah Caro, presented the slate of Managers for 2021 for ratification by the HGAR Directors in accordance with the OneKey MLS Operating Agreement. The Directors approved Patricia Holmes and Leah Caro to serve two-year terms commencing Jan. 1, 2021, as HGAR Managers for OneKey MLS. Chair Caro further advised that the Board of Managers also completed its selection process for the Outside Managers, who were included in the report from OneKey MLS provided to the Directors. The Directors approved Travis Conway, Jack Markham, and Alon Chaver to serve one- year terms commencing on Jan. 1, 2021 as Outside Managers for OneKey MLS.
Immediate Past President and Chair of the Nominating Committee Ronald Garafalo reported that there was a vacancy on the Board of Trustees of the Hudson Gateway Realtor Foundation and that the Nominating Committee would meet regarding the selection of a replacement Trustee. Garafalo also reported on the status of the Policies and Procedures Manual being prepared by the Policies and Procedures Task Force and indicated that a draft should be available in early 2021 for review by the Directors.
President Elect and Chair of the Diversity Task Force Crystal Hawkins Syska updated the Directors on the work of the Diversity Task Force, reporting that the Mission Statement approved at last month’s Board Meeting would be part of the diversity, equity and inclusion campaign kicking off in 2021. She noted the following items: a new staff position to lead the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiatives is now a budgeted item for 2021, the bid process for selection of the company to conduct the survey of the HGAR Membership regarding diversity, equity and inclusion has commenced, and the task force has commenced work on the promotional video and script relating to the diversity, inclusion and equity initiative.
Professional Standards
The Board of Directors approved the recommendations of the respective hearing panels of two ethics decisions designated as Ethics Decision 267-E and Ethics Decision 286-E.
Additional Business
President Fattizzi offered closing remarks, thanking CEO Haggerty, the HGAR staff and all of the Directors for their outstanding work and contributions to the organization in light of all of the challenges faced throughout 2020.
President-Elect Hawkins Syska also addressed the Directors and thanked everyone for all their hard work and indicated that she was looking forward to being President of HGAR in 2021.
CEO Haggerty also made closing remarks and acknowledged President Fattizzi for her hard work and outstanding contributions to HGAR throughout 2020. He also thanked all of the Officers and Directors.
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