Tarrytown Adaptive Reuse Project of Former YMCA Opens
The project included a rehabilitation of the interior of the original YMCA facility, transforming it into modern apartments.
Boardroom Report
Boards of Directors
Hudson Gateway Association of Realtors, Inc. (HGAR)
December 4, 2019
HGAR offices, White Plains, New York
HGAR Management, Financial & Membership Reports
Prior to convening a joint HGAR/HGMLS Board of Directors Meeting, the HGAR Directors convened and reviewed the 2020 draft budget as proposed by the HGAR Finance Committee. After review and discussion, the Directors approved the budget as proposed.
Richard Haggerty presented the Treasurer’s Report on behalf of HGAR including the bank and investment summary for Dec. 1, 2019, and the Directors approved receipt of the Cash Reports.
HGAR President Ronald Garafalo reminded the Directors of HGAR that in lieu of the usual meeting of the HGAR Board of Directors that is held in January each year, a two-day Directors’ Retreat will be held at the Mohonk Mountain House in New Paltz, NY on January 21st and 22nd.
CEO Haggerty discussed the appointment of the Fair Housing Task Force chaired by Dorothy Botsoe and Leah Caro. He indicated that there has been extensive press on the issues of fair housing and discrimination in light of the Newsday article and that these issues need to be dealt with aggressively. President Elect Gail Fattizzi stressed that the organization needs to be proactive rather than reactive.
HGAR outside Legal Counsel John Dolgetta reviewed and discussed the latest version of the Services Agreement. A copy of the latest version of the Services Agreement was emailed to the Directors prior to the meeting and was also included in the Directors’ packets. Dolgetta pointed out that the various schedules, which had not yet been finalized as of the last HGAR and HGMLS Board of Directors’ meetings in November, were now included. Dolgetta noted that this latest form of Services Agreement had yet to be approved by the Boards of Directors of the Long Island Board of Realtors, Inc. (“LIBOR”) and the Multiple Listing Service of Long Island, Inc. (“MLSLI”) and these Boards would be meeting in the near future to review and approve same.
After review and discussion, the HGAR Board of Directors approved in principle the draft Services Agreement between HGAR, HGMLS, LIBOR and MLSLI.
Additional Business
CEO Haggerty acknowledged the new Realtor Emeritus member, Sandra Smith. He also introduced and welcomed Jana Currier, Director of Member Engagement, who recently joined the HGAR staff.
Haggerty acknowledged HGAR President Garafalo and HGMLS President Renee Zurlo, for their outstanding contributions to their respective organizations throughout 2019. Haggerty also thanked Leah Caro, as OneKey MLS Chair, for her outstanding work on the OneKey MLS Board of Managers.
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