Tarrytown Adaptive Reuse Project of Former YMCA Opens
The project included a rehabilitation of the interior of the original YMCA facility, transforming it into modern apartments.
Boardroom Report
Boards of Directors
Hudson Gateway Association of Realtors, Inc.
February 15, 2023, at the HGAR Offices, White Plains, New York
HGAR Management, Financial & Membership Reports
President Tony D’Anzica presented the President’s Report. President D’Anzica reported that the NYSAR Mid-Winter Meeting was well-attended and that HGAR had a strong showing, with approximately 45-50 HGAR leaders and members having attended the meeting (including several Chairs and Vice Chairs of various committees). President D’Anzica also reported on various RPAC awards and recognitions which were given to HGAR Members (Anthony Domathoti, Irene Guanill, Susan Greenfield, and Dorothy Botsoe). President D’Anzica also indicated that Director Ron Garafalo was nominated as NYSAR Treasurer and will be voted in at the following NYSAR Meetings to be held later in the year.
President D’Anzica and Immediate Past President Anthony Domathoti further reported that the RPAC goal for 2023 is $288,000 and that it was President D’Anzica’s goal that there be a 100% RPAC contribution rate from the HGAR Leadership (i.e., Officers, Directors, Chairs, Vice Chairs). They also reminded the Directors about the NAR Legislative Meetings scheduled for May 6 through May 11 in Washington D.C.
President D’Anzica and Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Officer Freddimir Garcia then provided an update on the 2023 DEI Summit.
Interim CEO Jana Currier presented the CEO’s Report. Currier reported that the Nyack office was officially closed this month. She also reported that Amy DelliPaoli was hired as the new Director of Member Engagement and also provided updates regarding other staffing changes.
Interim CEO Currier then introduced Ms. LaVerne Brown, Manager of MLS Support & Member Success Team, who provided an update to the Directors regarding the implementation of the new $100.00 late payment penalty and the significant increase in call volume relating to same. Brown indicated that out of 433 calls to the eight-member Success Team, 271 calls related to the new late fee. Brown indicated that the new late fee was waived for only six individuals on the basis of extraordinary circumstances. Brown further indicated that terminations would begin on March 15th for any member who had not paid the late fee and membership fees.
Legal Counsel John Dolgetta, Esq. reported on the new HGAR membership applications as of January 2023, and after review, the Directors approved the applicants.
Treasurer Joseph Lippolis introduced and reported on the unaudited draft of the Third Quarter Financial Statements for the period ending September 30, 2022. He indicated that Bruin & Associates will be working on providing more up-to-date, month-to-month financial reports. Treasurer Lippolis also reported that the Finance Committee met with HGAR’s various financial advisors to review the financial status of HGAR.
Treasurer Lippolis presented the Treasurer’s Report as of Feb. 1, 2023, a copy of which was provided to the Directors. He began his detailed review of the financial and investment portions of the Treasurer’s Report. Lippolis then paused allowing Luke Bruin, of the accounting firm of Bruin & Associates, to make his presentation (via Zoom) on the draft financials through December 31, 2022. Bruin provided a detailed review of the draft December 2022 Financials. Treasurer Lippolis then continued his presentation of the Treasurer’s Report as of February 1, 2023, and after review, the Directors approved a motion receiving the Report and filing for audit.
Currier reviewed the current 2023 Dues Receipts Report, noting that 82% of the dues have been collected so far. It was also noted that the increase in payments was likely due to the new late fee. Currier further noted that only 52% percent of the dues from Manhattan members had been collected.
President D’Anzica provided a report on various HGAR Initiatives. D’Anzica noted that the Bronx Building PAG obtained a proposal from Rawlings Architects, P.C. to conduct a zoning feasibility study relating to the Bronx building. He then reported that the PAG formed for reviewing Real Estate In-Depth would be meeting on February 23rd and that they would have questions ready by then regarding the contemplated survey that was proposed to go out to the membership regarding Real Estate In-Depth.
Director and Chair of the Broker/Owner/Manager Committee, Rey Hollingsworth Falu, reported that the Succession Planning presentation scheduled for late last year was rescheduled for March 30th and noted that John Dolgetta, Esq. would be a panel member. Director and Co-Chair Hollingsworth Falu further reported that two other events had been scheduled (on June 13th regarding Real Estate and Technology and on November 2nd regarding NAR’s Clear Cooperation Policy).
Director and Co-Chair of the YPN Committee, Nan Palumbo, reported that the YPN Committee was considering a complete makeover and YPN was considering holding more events throughout the year, including a YPN Summit.
President of HGAR’s Commercial Investment Division (CID), Clayton Livingston, reported on upcoming events that were being planned. He also reported that HGAR had enlisted Tracy Weir to help with a study regarding the rebranding of the CID and commercial division in general.
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) OfficerGarcia then reported that there were three open seats on the DEI Steering Committee. He reported to the Directors that there was a total of 11 Steering Committee members who participate on the full DEI Committee and that the terms of three of those individuals had expired on December 31st. DEI Officer Garcia reported that the DEI Committee Leadership Team (i.e., Chair, Tony Ruperto, Vice Chair, Cheryl Williams, and DEI Officer Garcia) interviewed five candidates and recommended that three of those individuals be presented to the Board of Directors for approval. The Directors approved the three individuals recommended.
The Board of Directors then participated in a closed-door confidential meeting relating to the current CEO search committee process and activities without HGAR staff being present.
There being no further business before the Board of Directors, the meeting was adjourned.
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