Tarrytown Adaptive Reuse Project of Former YMCA Opens
The project included a rehabilitation of the interior of the original YMCA facility, transforming it into modern apartments.
Boardroom Report
Boards of Directors
Hudson Gateway Association of Realtors, Inc.
June 16, 2021 via Zoom
HGAR Management, Financial & Membership Reports
President Crystal Hawkins-Syska presented the President’s Report, advising that she would be writing an article in Real Estate In-Depth addressing issues relating to Section 8 Programs and source of income as a protected class. President Hawkins-Syska reminded the Directors and Officers that the ban on cold-calling, with respect to real estate agents, due to the State of Emergency, was still in effect.
CEO Richard Haggerty presented the CEO’s Report, advising on several developments relating to staff. CEO Haggerty reported on the positive news relating to the greater percentage of vaccinations taking place and the lifting of COVID-19 restrictions set to occur on June 24th. CEO Haggerty also reported that staff would be returning to HGAR offices on July 7th.
Treasurer Carmen Bauman presented the Treasurer’s Report as of June 1, 2021, a copy of which was provided to the Directors, and after discussion the Report was approved for filing
Joel Gilbert, CPA, of Lesser, Leff & Company, LLP, accountants for HGAR, provided a detailed review of the 3rd Quarter Draft HGAR Financial Statement dated as of September 30, 2020, as well as a detailed review of the year-end audited 4th Quarter HGAR Financial Statement dated as of December 31, 2020. After review and discussion, the Financial Statements were approved.
In-House Counsel Brian Levine, Esq. then presented the three Ethics Decisions to the Board of Directors, 272-E, 273-E and 274-E, each of which was provided to each of the Directors prior to the Meeting. After review and discussion, the three Ethics Decisions were confirmed by the Directors.
President Hawkins-Syska, DEI Officer Freddimir Garcia and HGAR Treasurer Carmen Bauman provided various updates on the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee (“DEI” or “DEI Committee”) initiatives. Treasurer Bauman provided updates on HGAR’s DEI initiatives and on the process relating to the selection of individuals to serve on the DEI Committee. DEI Officer Garcia reported that twenty-eight (28) individuals applied and were interviewed over a three-day period and that sixteen (16) of those interviewed are to be selected for positions as either “Members At Large” or as members of the DEI Steering Committee. The DEI Selection Task Force was still working on determining how the terms of the members serving on the DEI Steering Committee would be staggered.
Director Barry Kramer then reported on the status of the vote relating to the new Co-op Transparency legislation before the Westchester County Board of Legislators. The vote, which was originally set for June 8th did not occur and Director Kramer indicated that it was rescheduled for June 24th. Director Kramer was pleased to report that the legislation was likely to pass, and that County Executive George Latimer would likely also sign the legislation. Director Kramer thanked all involved for their assistance and support.
Previous Past President Ron Garafalo and Director of Government Affairs Philip Weiden then provided a report and update on various legislative initiatives. Garafalo reported that legislation prohibiting tenants from paying a landlord’s broker’s fee did not pass. He also reported that “Good Cause” eviction legislation did not pass and that legislation requiring licensees to include their license identification number on every document passed only in the Senate. Weiden reported that there was uncertainty as to whether Governor Cuomo would approve the proposed implementation of a transfer tax in the Towns of Chester and Blooming Grove.
Director Carol Christiansen and President Elect Anthony Domathoti presented the RPAC Committee report, Director Maryann Tercasio presented the report of the HG Realtor Foundation, and Immediate Past President Gail Fattizzi reported on the Leadership Accelerator Program.
President Hawkins-Syska pointed out to the Directors that written reports of various Committees and Councils (i.e., Professional Standards Committee Report, Fair Housing Committee Report, RPAC Committee Report, Global Business Council Report, Commercial and Investment Division Report, and HG Realtor Foundation Report) had also been provided via e-mail prior to the meeting.
President Hawkins-Syska indicated that the business portion of the meeting had ended and that the leadership training session scheduled with David Severance would follow. At the conclusion of the training session President Hawkins-Syska adjourned the meeting.
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