Tarrytown Adaptive Reuse Project of Former YMCA Opens
The project included a rehabilitation of the interior of the original YMCA facility, transforming it into modern apartments.
Boardroom Report
Boards of Directors
Hudson Gateway Association of Realtors, Inc.
May 17, 2023, at the HGAR Offices, White Plains, New York
HGAR Management, Financial & Membership Reports
President Tony D’Anzica presented the President’s report. He reported that NAR has approved the additional requirement for all NAR Board of Director members to successfully complete the At Home with Diversity certification, the Fairhaven Simulation and Bias Override: Overcoming Barriers to Fair Housing training starting in 2024. He added that NAR is looking to adjust dues based upon inflation. President D’Anzica then reported that a NAR grant was approved for a local regional organization, the Hudson Valley Property Owners Association, to challenge legislation by the City of Kingston relating to rent regulation. He further reported that he is looking to establish a Sustainability Committee and is seeking a sustainability grant from NAR. President D’Anzica then reported that the OneKey MLS Service Agreement was signed and will remain effective for 21 months, expiring in 2024. Attorney for the Corporation, John Dolgetta, Esq., provided an overview and timing of the agreement. He concluded his report by noting that the former CEO’s leased automobile was returned and a refund of the unearned portion of the insurance premium was provided to HGAR by the insurance company.
Interim CEO Jana Currier presented the CEO’s Report and turned the floor over to OneKey MLS CEO, Richard Haggerty, to provide an update on new MLS developments. Haggerty reported on new team developments, the addition of RISMedia Premiere and equalizing services for both MLS platforms (Matrix and Stratus). He further addressed the ongoing relationships with Corelogic, ShowingTime, and SentriLock. Haggerty then provided an update on various new MLS products that would be launched soon. Director of Professional Development Michael Malone indicated that instructors will be working to educate and provide training for these new products. HGAR Chief Strategy Officer Gary Connolly then provided a brief update on the SentriLock lock boxes and issues related to the same. Interim CEO Currier concluded with acknowledging Brian Levine, HGAR General Counsel, for successfully attaining the Realtor Association Certified Executive (RCE) designation.
General Counsel Levine reported on the new HGAR membership applications as of April 2023, and after reviewing the Directors approved the applicants.
Treasurer Joseph Lippolis presented the Treasurer’s Reports as of May 1, 2023, a copy of which was provided to the Directors. Discussion was held regarding revisions to HGAR’s Investment Policy. Thereafter, the Directors approved a motion receiving the Treasurer’s Reports and filing for audit.
General Counsel Levine presented the latest Ethics Decision to the Board of Directors, presenting Ethics Decision designated as 307-E, which was provided to each of the Directors prior to the Meeting. After reviewing the Directors approved the decision.
Ron Garafalo, RPAC Co-Chair, provided the recent RPAC report. It was reported that HGAR was at 77% of its 2023 participation goal thus far and also updated the Board on upcoming events. Immediate Past President and RPAC Co-Chair Anthony Domathoti added that HGAR is close to attaining the local President’s Cup. He discussed how members can assist HGAR in reaching this goal.
President D’Anzica provided an update on two PAGs. The Bronx PAG is awaiting the completion of the feasibility study. The Real Estate In-Depth (REID) PAG plans to meet May 18, 2023, to review the statistically significant response to the recent survey with Tracy Weir. Thereafter, they would review the financials related to the newspaper.
Chief Marketing Officer Cathleen Stack provided a Global Business Counsel update, which included a meeting with the Canadian Real Estate Association, and upcoming webinars. She noted that HGAR is a Principal Member of FIABCI-USA. She mentioned HGAR participated in a program with the Austin Board of Realtors regarding Ireland. Stack added that they have met with representatives from Portugal and recently entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with the international Association, COFECI, Brazil. In addition, she reported that President D’Anzica and Immediate Past-President Domathoti will be traveling at the end of June to participate in a Western European conference. She concluded by noting that the Global Real Estate Summit is scheduled for Oct. 19, 2023, and HGAR will participate with 11 other Associations.
Chief Marketing Officer Stack next reported on the work being performed on the new HGAR website by August Partners/Membio. She noted that the work is progressing, and they are hopeful that the website will go live in July or August.
President D’Anzica reported on the Commercial Investment Division, noting its next event will be May 25, 2023. He stated that CID is instituting a “needs and wants” aspect to all meetings where members can pitch or seek specific properties. He concluded that the CID is working with the MLS regarding commercial listings.
Co-Chair of the Broker-Owner-Manager (BOM) Committee Rey Hollingsworth Falu reported on its next event, scheduled for June 13, 2023, which will address Artificial Intelligence in real estate. This event is being held in coordination with YPN. It will take place at the HGAR offices in White Plains and will include breakfast. The BOM’s next event, scheduled for Nov. 2, 2023, will address NAR’s Clear Cooperation Policy.
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Officer Freddimir Garcia reported on the DEI Summit, slated for June 5 and June 6, 2023. He noted that nearly 100 people had already registered, and sponsorships were still available. He added that there were three keynote speakers scheduled along with various breakout sessions. He concluded that the event would include a CE class on implicit bias.
Regional Directors reported on upcoming County Days for their respective counties. Lee Presser (NY/Manhattan), Roseann Paggiotta (Westchester), Diane Mitchell, HGAR Director, on behalf of Roberta Bangs (Rockland), and Eli Rodriguez, Regional Government Affairs Director (Bronx) provided updates regarding their respective County Day events, noting that all events will have a commercial, legislative, YPN and HGAR components.
YPN Chair Darin “Nan” Palumbo provided a report on YPN’s recent activities, noting the creation of “Pizza with the President” events, which will go county to county. She further discussed the joint event with the BOM Committee, as well as a Sept. 12, 2023, event relating to Realtor safety. She indicated that YPN will conduct 16 events by November 2023, and they will be working on a recognition award for Member’s Day.
President D’Anzica concluded the meeting by noting that the Leadership Accelerator Program will be having an informational session on Friday, May 19, 2023, and more information will be shared with Officers and Directors in coming weeks.
There being no further business before the Board of Directors, the meeting was adjourned.
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