Tarrytown Adaptive Reuse Project of Former YMCA Opens
The project included a rehabilitation of the interior of the original YMCA facility, transforming it into modern apartments.
Boardroom Report
Boards of Directors
Hudson Gateway Association of Realtors, Inc.
November 16, 2022 at the HGAR Offices, White Plains, New York
HGAR Management, Financial & Membership Reports
President Anthony Domathoti presented the President’s Report, acknowledging HGAR as the recipient of NAR’s 2022 Platinum Global Achievement Award and specifically thanking Tony D’Anzica for his efforts. President Domathoti acknowledged HGAR members’ participation at the recent NAR conference held in Orlando, commending all who participated and identifying Immediate Past President, Crystal Hawkins-Syska’s role as Vice Chair of the Mega Board Caucus. President Domathoti concluded with an update that the NAR Delegate Body had approved the changing of the term “handicap” to “disability” in provisions of the Code of Ethics.
CEO Haggerty then presented the CEO’s Report, reminding the Board that RPAC donations would be coming to a close and that there was one upcoming event in White Plains that evening. He encouraged all to help HGAR reach its RPAC goal. CEO Haggerty further commended Vlora Sejdi, President of the Empire Chapter Women’s Council, for its recent event and its tremendous success.
CEO Haggerty discussed the power of relationships and partnerships that HGAR holds with other organizations, noting that many of these alliances are based upon common beliefs and goals, and working toward positive outcomes. He added that these common principles need to continue to be reinforced and HGAR will continue to make efforts to work with organizations and newly elected officials in the future.
In-House Legal Counsel Brian Levine reported on the new HGAR membership applications as of October 2022, and after review the Directors approved the applicants.
Treasurer Carmen Bauman presented the Treasurer’s Report as of Nov. 1, 2022, a copy of which was provided to the Directors, and after review the Directors approved a motion receiving the report and filing for audit.
Luke Bruin, of the Accounting Firm Bruin & Associates (via Zoom), along with CEO Haggerty and Treasurer Bauman, presented the proposed 2023 HGAR Budget. After considerable review and discussion, the Directors passed the proposed budget which included a dues increase of $27. The Directors also approved a proposal from the Finance Committee to institute a $100 late fee for those members who fail to pay their dues by the close of business on 1/31/23.
CEO Haggerty then discussed NAR RPAC contributions and the ability of HGMLS to directly contribute to RPAC to reach the HGAR goal, noting that HGMLS had the resources to support such a contribution. The Directors approved a motion authorizing an RPAC contribution from HGMLS to achieve HGAR’s RPAC goal.
Immediate Past President Hawkins-Syska then presented a report from the Nominating Committee on the 2023 HGAR Officers. The Directors approved the 2023 HGAR Officers as identified in the Nominating Committee Report.
Immediate Past President Hawkins-Syska then presented a report from the Nominating Committee on the 2023 Hudson Gateway Realtor Foundation Trustees. The Directors approved the 2023 Hudson Gateway Realtor Foundation Trustees as identified in the Nominating Committee report.
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Officer Freddimir Garcia presented the most recent DEI Steering Committee Report proposing changes to the DEI Committee structure. It further proposed that any currently seated DEI Committee member would be precluded from being a potential recipient of that year’s DEI Champion Award. The Directors approved these recommendations.
In-House Legal Counsel Levine presented a report prepared by the Citation Committee PAG, recommending the creation of an HGAR Ethics Citation Program. After discussion the Directors approved the creation of an HGAR Ethics Citation Program.
COO Jana Currier, provided an update on the recent County Day events, noting that the various programs were extremely successful and the final County Day event in Manhattan would take place on Nov. 29, 2022 at 873 Broadway in Manhattan.
There being no further business before the Board of Directors, the meeting was adjourned.
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