Tarrytown Adaptive Reuse Project of Former YMCA Opens
The project included a rehabilitation of the interior of the original YMCA facility, transforming it into modern apartments.
Boardroom Report
Boards of Directors
Hudson Gateway Association of Realtors, Inc. (HGAR)
Nov. 19, 2020 via Zoom and at HGAR offices in White Plains
HGAR Management, Financial & Membership Reports
President Gail Fattizzi presented the President’s Report. President Fattizzi reported on the following items: (i) HGAR Global Council receiving NAR’s Gold Award, (ii) the plans to remediate the oil tank at the Bronx office location, with work to commence after Thanksgiving and be completed by Christmas, and (iii) the appointment of a work group chaired by John Barrett to evaluate HGAR’s existing office space and make recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding future office space needs.
CEO Richard Haggerty presented the CEO’s Report. CEO Haggerty reported that Matrix would now track for any co-op transaction that has been changed from pending status back to active status. Going forward the listing office will be queried whether that change in status was due to a board denial of the applicant. This information will be used to track the number of co-op board rejections in an effort to promote further co-op transparency legislation. CEO Haggerty further reported that with the surge in COVID-19 cases, HGAR is prepared in the event another shutdown is required.
HGAR Treasurer Anthony Domathoti presented the Treasurer’s Report for August, September, October, and November, which were all approved for filing by the Directors. Treasurer Domathoti also reviewed various new charts that were prepared and provided to the Directors for the first time, for informational purposes.
Immediate Past President and Chair of the Nominating Committee Ron Garafalo then sought the confirmation of HGAR Officers for 2021 in accordance with the HGAR Nominating Committee’s Report presented at HGAR’s Annual Members’ Day and Annual Meeting on Oct. 27, 2020. The Slate of Officers are as follows: Crystal Hawkins Syska, as President, Anthony A. Domathoti, as President Elect, Carmen A. Bauman, as Treasurer, Tony L. D’Anzica, as Secretary, and Gail Fattizzi, as Immediate Past President. The Directors confirmed the slate of Officers as presented. Director Garafalo then presented the report of the HGAR Nominating Committee recommending the following individuals to fill vacancies on the Hudson Gateway Realtor Foundation Board of Trustees: Roberta Bangs, with a term expiring on Dec. 31, 2023; and Theresa Crozier, with a term expiring on Dec. 31, 2023, and the Directors approved these recommendations.
CEO Haggerty reported that the NAR Board of Directors, at its November meeting, approved five amendments to Core Standards as summarized in the handout provided to the Directors. CEO Haggerty then recommended that, in light of one of the NAR recommendations (i.e., “Require that associations strategic plans include a diversity, equity and inclusion, and fair housing component”), the following language, based on work already done by the HGAR Diversity Task Force, be added to HGAR’s Strategic Plan under the Advocacy section: “Launch a Diversity and Inclusion Standing Committee tasked with creating and supporting diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives,” and the Directors approved this recommendation.
Professional Standards
The Board of Directors approved the recommendations of the respective hearing panels of two ethics decisions designated as Ethics Decision 265-E and Ethics Decision 266-E.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Task Force
President Elect and Chair of the Diversity Task Force Crystal Hawkins Syska provided the report on the work of the Diversity Task Force and presented five voting items to the Board of Directors for consideration. After discussion, the Directors approved the creation of a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Steering Committee of 11 members and a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee at large which would include the members of the Steering Committee as well as an additional nine members. The Directors approved the following mission statement for the Committee: “At Hudson Gateway Association of REALTORS, we aim to create a more diverse, equitable and inclusive professional community in which all members are empowered to learn, thrive, and work as agents for change. We commit to diversifying our membership, creating a deeply diverse, equitable and inclusive organization for REALTORS and Brokers, and embedding inclusive practices in the ways we work and learn with one another.” The Directors approved a recommendation that there be an additional staff position created which would be designated as either a “Chief Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer” or a “Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.” The Directors authorized HGAR to solicit bids from various companies for the purpose of conduction of a survey to obtain demographic information concerning the HGAR membership. The Directors also authorized the creation of an informational video and having an open invitation to the HGAR general membership to become a member of the new Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee.
Additional Business
President Fattizzi briefly reported that HGAR would continue to work with David Severance with respect to the Best Practices Project initiated at the previous meeting, as well as with Dr. Nicole Furlonge with respect to issues of inclusion and equality. CEO Haggerty reported on NAR’s approval to the modification of Article 10 of the NAR Code of Ethics and the inclusion of the new Standard of Practice 10-5. The Directors approved a $5,000 contribution to RPAC as well as a $5,000 contribution to WRO.
Committee Reports
President Fattizzi pointed out to the Directors that reports of the various Committees and Councils (i.e. Education Council, Fair Housing Committee, Legislative and Legal Issues Council, Professional Standards Committee, RPAC Committee, and Global Business Council) had been provided to them via e-mail and had also been included in their Directors’ packets. President Fattizzi indicated that reports of the Commercial & Investment Division and HG REALTOR Foundation, were also provided to the Directors.
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