Tarrytown Adaptive Reuse Project of Former YMCA Opens
The project included a rehabilitation of the interior of the original YMCA facility, transforming it into modern apartments.
Boardroom Report
Boards of Directors
Hudson Gateway Association of Realtors, Inc.
September 15, 2022, at the HGAR Offices, White Plains, New York
HGAR Management, Financial & Membership Reports
President Anthony Domathoti presented the President’s Report, providing a recap of HGAR’s participation in the NAR C5 event conducted during August in Manhattan. He advised on RPAC and current work toward the Association’s goal and reviewed upcoming events geared toward reaching that RPAC goal. President Domathoti concluded by encouraging all Board Members to reach out to members to participate in the Fair Housing Challenge.
CEO Haggerty then presented the CEO’s Report, advising the Board of his impending resignation as CEO as of January 2023 and his acceptance of the CEO position at OneKey MLS.
CEO Haggerty reported on the upcoming Member’s Day, which will take place on Oct. 24, 2022, at Sleepy Hollow Conference Center, Tarrytown, as well as the Global Summit, which will take place on Oct. 20, 2022 at the Marriott Marquis in New York City.
Brian Levine, In-House Legal Counsel, reported on the new HGAR membership applications for July, August and September, and after review the Directors voted to approve the applicants.
Treasurer Carmen Bauman presented the Treasurer’s Reports for July, August and September, a copy of each was provided to the Directors. After review and discussion, the Directors approved a motion receiving and filing for audit each Treasurer’s report.
CEO Haggerty then reported on the recent developments relating to the OneKey nominating process. It was reported that a proposal had been presented to increase the members of the nominating committee to nine; each association (HGAR and LIBOR) would select three members from their respective associations, with the remaining three being the Chairperson of the Nominating Committee (chosen by the OneKey Board of Managers), plus two OneKey Board of Managers chosen by the Chair; that one nominee from each respective association could be from the association’s Executive Committee and one nominee from each respective association could be a non-participant. CEO Haggerty indicated that these proposed changes would be effective for the 2023 nominating year. After discussion, the Directors approved the recommended changes to the OneKey MLS nominating procedures.
CEO of OneKey MLS, James Speer appeared remotely and provided a presentation on the OneKey Strategic Plan.
Immediate Past President Crystal Hawkins-Syska provided a report of the HGAR Nominating Committee relating to the HGAR 2023 Slate of Officers and Directors, as well as a report on the HGAR representatives selected to serve on the NYSAR Board of Directors. After review and discussion, the HGAR Directors approved the individuals selected to serve on the NYSAR Board of Directors.
The HGAR Directors approved contributions to the NYSAR Housing Opportunities Foundation, to the New York State Real Estate Education Foundation (NYSREEF), and to the NAR Realtor Relief Foundation. The Directors also approved RPAC contributions from both HGAR and HGMLS.
CEO Haggerty then reported on the OneKey MLS Nominating Committee’s nomination of Leah Caro and Pati Holmes to serve for HGAR on its 2023 OneKey MLS Board of Managers for a two-year term, and that Alon Chaver, Travis Conway and Jack Markham were nominated as OneKey MLS Outside Managers for a one-year term. The HGAR Directors approved the recommendations from the OneKey Nominating Committee.
Education PAGE Chair Ron Garafalo, reported on the activities of the Education PAGE, including the development of a mission plan for the school, meaningful objectives, and the proposed creation of the Education Committee.
Chief Operating Officer, Jana Currier provided an update on upcoming County Day Events.
The Board of Directors then entered a closed session relating to the discussion of the CEO Search Committee.
There being no further business before the Board of Directors, the meeting was adjourned.
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