NEWBURGH—The City of Newburgh has recently issued two Request for Proposals (RFPs) that represent what it terms are “exciting and unique development opportunities” for several city-owned properties, including City Hall.
The first, RFP #11.22, seeks proposals for the creative redevelopment of numerous city-owned properties—both existing buildings and vacant parcels—that the city hopes will result in a new municipal campus.
The RFP includes 17 vacant parcels on Broadway, Johnston and Lander streets for redevelopment totaling nearly two acres, as well as three parking lots and one abandoned parking lot. The RFP also includes the historic City Hall building at 83 Broadway and the 55 Broadway complex that has been used as the headquarters for the city’s police and fire departments.
Newburgh’s City Hall was originally constructed as an industrial building in 1882 to house the Bazzoni Carriage Works—a manufacturer of sleighs and horse-drawn carriages. The City of Newburgh purchased the building in 1893 and contracted with the architectural firm of Frank Estabrook to renovate the building for public use. In 1895 the city government offices officially opened at 83 Broadway, and the City Council began holding meetings in the two-story Council Chambers on the second floor.
The RFP states: “The City of Newburgh is requesting developers to create a master land use/redevelopment plan for one or all of the parcels listed above. Proposals may also include development on privately-owned parcels or in coordination with the development of privately-owned parcels, provided there is a reasonable possibility the proposer can enter into an appropriate agreement with the property owner.
The master land use plan must include a proposal to incorporate essential city services and uses—City Hall (and related municipal offices currently in other locations), Police Department (excluding any lock-up facilities) and Fire Department—and municipal parking within a mixed-use, transit-oriented development scenario. The re-purposing and redevelopment of the available city-owned parcels needs to adhere to the appropriate zoning regulations, East End Historic District (EEHD) guidelines, and any stated city goals and objectives.”
The RFP document stated that the 55 Broadway building that houses the city’s police and fire departments could be either redeveloped or demolished as part of a bidder’s master plan.
Sealed bids will be received by the City Comptroller in the City Comptroller’s Office at City Hall, 83 Broadway, 4th Floor, Newburgh, New York 12550 until 4 p.m. on June 3rd, 2022 for the RFP# 11.22 solicitation.
The second, RFP #14.22, looks for proposals to remediate 842 Broadway, a fire-damaged gas station, and transform it into what the city describes as “a welcoming business establishment at a key gateway into the City of Newburgh.”
The property located at the western entrance to the city on Broadway was known and operated as Dennis’s Sunoco, a gas station and auto repair shop for many years. “The building was built in 1945, according to the assessor’s records, and is estimated to be approximately 3,360 square feet in size. The property suffered a significant fire in December 2018, which left the building as a burned-out shell. The property is an environmental hazard, both above and below ground,” according to the RFP.
The city is nearing the completion of a tax foreclosure proceeding to acquire title to the property. The city has also entered into an agreement with the New York Environmental Protection and Spill Compensation Fund to conduct the below-ground portion of the remediation. The approved developer will be required to enter into a Site Development Agreement with the city, with terms and conditions to be approved by the Newburgh City Council, the RFP states.
Sealed bids will be received by the City Comptroller in City Comptroller’s Office at City Hall, 83 Broadway, 4th Floor, Newburgh, New York 12550 until 4 p.m. on May 13, 2022 for the Remediation and Purchase of 842 Broadway.
Detailed information on both RFPs can be found on the Bidnet website ( as well as on the Planning and Development’s departmental page on the City of Newburgh’s website (
Potential purchasers are urged to consult the City of Newburgh’s updated Surplus Property Disposition Policy ( before submitting any offers or proposals.
For more information, contact the Director of Planning and Development, Alexandra Church at 845-569-9400 or via e-mail at