Tarrytown Adaptive Reuse Project of Former YMCA Opens
The project included a rehabilitation of the interior of the original YMCA facility, transforming it into modern apartments.
WHITE PLAINS – In January 2021, the Hudson Gateway Association of Realtors will celebrate the 25th anniversary of the launch of its monthly newspaper Real Estate In-Depth with a special section in the publication’s January edition. HGAR is also acknowledging the 95th consecutive year of publishing a membership newspaper/magazine.
In early 1995, based on the work of several WCBR committees, most notably the Communications and Long Range Planning Committees, staff and the organization’s Board of Directors decided the Board needed to upgrade the editorial coverage of its then monthly newspaper Westchester Realtor. After nearly 12 months of planning, Real Estate In-Depth was launched in January 1996. Its first edition chronicled the news of the day, which included a report on fourth quarter home sales activity in Westchester County, an exclusive report on the appointment of then WCBR member Edwardina Lodes to the newly formed State Board of Real Estate and Governor Pataki pressing for the outright repeal of the much criticized “Cuomo Tax.”
Since then, the newspaper has reported on the major real estate news and trends of the day during boom times and a number of major recessions and has even scooped the dailies and the real estate trades press on occasion, while still serving as the association’s flagship communications vehicle. The newspaper’s mission has been and continues to be to provide the membership with news and information that will help grow their business.
The newspaper has grown from printing a little more than 4,000 copies each month in 1996 to a press run in 2021 of approximately 13,000 each edition.
Real Estate In-Depth is also available online at realestateindepth.com. HGAR also publishes a weekly Real Estate In-Depth online newsletter, as well as a Daily Update of breaking real estate/COVID-related news stories distributed by e-mail.
If you are interested in learning more about the Real Estate In-Depth 25th Anniversary supplement and advertising opportunities, please contact HGAR Director of Communications Mary Prenon at Mary.Prenon@HGAR.com.
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