On July 19, 2022, Mercy College bestowed an honorary Doctor of Commercial Science degree to Joseph P. Kelleher, current president at Hutch Management LLC, a division of Simone Development Companies. Mercy awards honorary degrees to individuals, such as Kelleher, who have demonstrated outstanding achievement in their fields and exceptional contributions to their communities.
Kelleher is an experienced business executive with an extensive background in real estate development and philanthropy. He was appointed president and chief operating officer of Hutch Management LLC in 2009. Kelleher previously served as the executive director of leasing and property management for the 42-acre Hutchinson Metro Center in Bronx, New York, which is home to the Mercy College Bronx Campus.
During the ceremony in which Kelleher received an honorary degree, his colleagues from Simone Development Companies, as well as Mercy College President Tim Hall, spoke of his accomplishments and dedication to community betterment.
“It truly brings me great joy being here tonight, celebrating a very serving and special man, our friend Joe Kelleher…who has brought Hutchinson Metro Center from empty land to the iconic campus that it is today,” said Joe Simone, president of Simone Development Companies. “His loyalty, vision and passion has always inspired and gotten us through the many challenges we have had to face.”