NYS Prohibits Real Estate Showings, Open Houses

ALBANY—Gov. Andrew Cuomo ordered the closure of all offices for non-essential businesses on March 20 and indicated that all showings and open houses are also prohibited.

Previously, the governor limited staffing to 50%, followed by 75%, and now 100% workforce reduction in non-essential business offices per his order on March 20.

The governor specifically mentioned real estate activities in his press conference, stating, “I don’t know who you think you’re going to rent an apartment to now anyways if you kick someone out…by my mandate you couldn’t even have your real estate agent showing the apartment. Same with commercial tenants.”

Based on his comments, it is believed that all showings and open houses will be prohibited after Sunday evening, March 22. Furthermore, all brokerage offices will also need to close on Sunday, March 22.

Licensees are still able to work from home.

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