NAR’s Yun Predicts: ‘The Worst is Over’ in 2025
“My computer model is indicating that (for) home sales, the worst is over. The worst in inventory is over. I think the recession probability is still slim,” Yun said.
As we celebrate the achievements of the past, I look forward to continuing HGAR’s efforts to challenge preconceived notions, embrace diversity, and work towards an equitable and even more inclusive association.
This year, Chinese New Year was celebrated on Feb. 10, 2024. The holiday is steeped in ancient traditions that symbolize bidding farewell to the old and ushering in the new. And, this year, as HGAR’s first Chinese-American President, I want to embrace this sentiment of fresh beginnings by taking a moment to honor all of the tremendous new beginnings that are observed and celebrated throughout this Black History Month.
As we celebrate the achievements of the past, I look forward to continuing HGAR’s efforts to challenge preconceived notions, embrace diversity, and work towards an equitable and even more inclusive association. Let’s draw from the leadership displayed by black individuals throughout our history—leadership that is marked by resilience and strength in the face of adversity.
Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” It is no secret that the world of real estate has been going through and continues to go through challenging and controversial times. So, there should be no doubt that where we choose to stand now as Realtors—and as leaders—will surely dictate our future measure as an industry.
In the words of Malcolm X, “Leadership is not about making speeches. It is about making history.” HGAR’s reputation as a thought leader and advocate for change should make any member proud. Indeed, significant time and effort has been expended by both members and staff to develop HGAR’s Strategic Plan, and I personally look forward to being among the first to be able to help implement it.
Chinese New Year festivities typically begin with a thorough cleaning and decluttering of the home, symbolizing the removal of negative energies and making way for good fortune. The iconic lion and dragon dances are essential components of the Chinese New Year celebrations, representing the expulsion of negativity and the invitation of positive energy for the coming year. So, again, I invite each of you to join me: fill out your Member Engagement Profile and reach out to me or any of your volunteer leaders to let us know how we can help you become part of HGAR’s positive energy this year and for years to come.
Carmen Bauman is the 2024 President of the Hudson Gateway Association of REALTORS®.
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