“Average performers stop when they feel fear. Iconic producers accelerate once they get frightened.” Robin Sharma
Are you frightened by current events? I am. We have a large brick and mortar office and there are many people coming and going including children on a regular basis. I spent the first weekend in March thinking, meditating, cleaning and organizing things in my mind. After listening to Governor Cuomo speak the first time that Sunday morning it became clear that it was time for decisive action.
In my case, the J. Philip Real Estate Putnam office was the first in the county to stop traffic from coming in. As of then the office is sanitized daily, agents and staff will be working remotely, and only I come into the office. The office will be a minimally trafficked location yet fully functional. Customer meetings with agents will be held by appointment only, and 3D virtual tours are available where possible. Staff meetings and training will be held via videoconference.
I’m sure my actions are typical of those being undertaken by businesses in our area, and even nationwide. This is the new “normal” for the Putnam County business community for a while. Restrictions may even get stricter depending upon how this virus situation plays out.
Reduction of the density of people in a given space and avoiding close contact is called “social distancing.” This is a prudent step, and a difficult, personal one. My granddaughter is weeks old, yet I can’t just go over and see her like any grandma would. It breaks my heart.
What does your contingency plan look like? How can you make your customers and clients safe? How can you bring your goods and services to the community while customers stay home? How can you practice social distancing, yet still thrive as a business? Be proactive before there is a mandatory quarantine for all.
In addition to a contingency plan, we are planting seeds, adjusting our sails and moving forward full steam ahead. We believe the future is bright.