NAR’s Yun Predicts: ‘The Worst is Over’ in 2025
“My computer model is indicating that (for) home sales, the worst is over. The worst in inventory is over. I think the recession probability is still slim,” Yun said.
“My computer model is indicating that (for) home sales, the worst is over. The worst in inventory is over. I think the recession probability is still slim,” Yun said.
“Home buyers are slowly entering the market,” said NAR Chief Economist Lawrence Yun.
Reviewing February’s closed sales of single-family homes, only Rockland County and The Bronx saw gains of 7.1% and 4.2%, respectively.
Among the awarded projects, the Mid-Hudson and New York City regions secured a combined $92.1 million in funding.
OneKey MLS has emerged as the go-to-location for essential data on the New York metro area and is an indispensable resource for real estate professionals and consumers across the region it serves.
New York municipalities have been awarded at least $365.8 million for a variety of projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other pollution and build resilience to climate change.
While the Black homeownership rate (44.7%; +0.6 percentage points) achieved the highest annual gain among all races in 2023, it remains substantially lower than White (72.4%; +0.1 percentage points).
In 2018, Lowey became the first chairwoman of the House Committee on Appropriations.
Since 2019, the developments are projected to create over 7,500 new residential units and more than 8,800 construction jobs.
Apicella noted that the Trump administration seems intent on eliminating or severely cutting back on federal green energy funding, which he said is critical to many new development projects.
Unlike many commercial brokers, Minichino did not start out listing and selling residential properties.
The $10-million award will focus on downtown revitalization initiatives in Downtown Poughkeepsie.
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