NAR’s Yun Predicts: ‘The Worst is Over’ in 2025
“My computer model is indicating that (for) home sales, the worst is over. The worst in inventory is over. I think the recession probability is still slim,” Yun said.
Without the Three-Way Agreement, the collective voice Realtors rely on to advocate for vital issues would be silenced.
“Live, work, and play” zoning is a holistic approach that integrates residential, commercial, and recreational spaces within close proximity, fostering more sustainable and vibrant communities.
Long-term mortgage rates can be expected to trend lower because lower inflation means less added premium to borrow money. But rates will not return to the 4%–5% range that occurred during Trump’s first term.
The difference between those who thrive and those who fade away is simple: they embrace change.
By allocating new capital funding for factory-built and modular starter homes, the governor aims to create attainable homeownership opportunities for working- and middle-class families.
As we enter a new era, HGAR remains steadfast in its commitment to serve and support you—through advocacy, professional development, and programs that empower your business.
Despite representing different parties, Latimer and Lawler share a bipartisan focus on housing policy solutions. Both have expressed support for raising the cap on the State and Local Tax (SALT) deduction.
This year, the Annual Meeting will be held separately from Member Appreciation Day, making it more accessible for all members.
Business leaders cannot afford to remain passive; they must engage politically to hold candidates accountable to the needs of the entire community, not just select groups.
Rockland faces further challenges related to environmental sustainability, such as the diminishing availability of renewable energy sources, inadequate drainage systems, flooding and groundwater quality.
The strategic planning process has engaged stakeholders across all levels of the organization, fostering a culture of openness and collaboration.
Elected officials, seeking to appease vocal constituents, frequently uphold restrictive zoning laws that favor single-family residences over more diverse housing options.
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