DiNapoli: NYC’s Solid Housing Growth at Risk as Permits Fall
While growth in the city was faster than statewide growth (6.5%) and metropolitan area growth (7.4%), it lagged the nation’s overall 10.3% rate of housing growth.
These systematic barriers hindered the accumulation of wealth for African Americans for decades; this hindrance deprived many black families of the opportunity to pass down property and assets to future generations, thereby perpetuating economic disparities.
Traditional lenders often hesitate to finance such projects due to perceived risks or unfamiliarity with emerging technologies and practices.
This initiative aims to create housing opportunities without the high costs of land acquisition, utilizing properties that often enjoy central locations within communities.
The resiliency of Realtors and their passion for advocacy remains evident, powerful and inspiring.
At the heart of the DEI Summit lies a commitment to regional collaboration—recognizing that by uniting our efforts, we can amplify our impact and affect meaningful change.
My parents’ story is one of countless others who immigrated to the United States in search of a better life. They faced immense challenges—language barriers, cultural adjustments, and economic hardships—but their determination never wavered.
Participating in MIPIM opens up a world of opportunities, directly and indirectly benefiting HGAR Members.
In the weeks leading up to heavy negotiations in Albany, HGAR personally educated more than two dozen elected officials on Good Cause Eviction and the most problematic aspects of valuing tenant protection over property rights.
Fair housing is not merely a legal obligation or a moral imperative; rather, it is the very essence of creating spaces where every individual can thrive.
I’ve seen it alleged that NAR, local Realtor boards or multiple listing services set commissions. Commissions are already negotiable between clients and real estate agents.
Having a more diverse clientele not only opens up more opportunities, but also gives me a chance to get to know people from different cultures and learn how to show up respectfully.
The roads in these counties, veins that should support the flow of suburban life, are often clogged and crumbling.
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