Weichert Announces Regional Outstanding Achievements for December 2023

Individually, Carly Heneghan had the highest dollar volume and the most revenue units and sales in the region, which is comprised of locations throughout Rockland, Orange, Dutchess and Westchester counties, and New York City. 

Joe McDonald, president of Residential Sales and Real Estate Services for Weichert, Realtors, recently reported that the Rockland County Regional office and a top-producing sales associate were recognized for outstanding achievement at the regional level in December.

 The Rockland County Regional office, which is managed by Karen McCabe, had the highest dollar volume and the most sales in the Weichert sales region. The office shared top honors for having the most revenue units. Individually, Carly Heneghan had the highest dollar volume and the most revenue units and sales in the region, which is comprised of locations throughout Rockland, Orange, Dutchess and Westchester counties, and New York City. 

McDonald also announced that the Monroe office and a top-producing sales associate have been recognized for outstanding achievement at the regional level in December.  The Monroe office, which is managed by Lydia Mitchell, had the most listings and shared top honors for having the most revenue units in the Weichert sales region. Rosalie Cook had the most listings in the region, which is comprised of locations throughout Rockland, Orange, Dutchess and Westchester counties, and New York City. 


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