Tarrytown Adaptive Reuse Project of Former YMCA Opens
The project included a rehabilitation of the interior of the original YMCA facility, transforming it into modern apartments.
Most popular web browsers now use “tabs.” Web browser tabs enable you to have multiple webpages loaded within a single window and easily switch between them. An underutilized tab-related feature that you should familiarize yourself with is the ability to “pin” tabs. When you pin web browser tabs, they become locked so that they stay open/loaded and aren’t easily closed by mistake.
For example, if you’re working on inputting a listing into the MLS, you should pin the browser tab that has the MLS application loaded on screen, so you don’t close that tab by mistake. Similarly, if you want to monitor your web-based e-mail, you should consider pinning the browser tab that’s displaying your e-mail so that you don’t close that tab by mistake. Pinning tabs is also helpful when you want to copy-and-paste information from one browser tab to another one.
If you’d like to watch some videos that show you how to pin tabs in the web browser you use, simply visit YouTube.com and do a search that’s similar to “pin tab [your web browser name]” (pin tab chrome, or pin tab safari, or pin tab edge, etc.).
If you use Google Chrome, a howtogeek.com article titled “Make Google Chrome Open with Pinned Tabs” may interest you. Here’s a link to the article…www.tinyurl.com/yyehthnb
Tip: Performing YouTube searches that use the following search phrase “[your web browser name] tab management groups organize” will yield links to informative videos that offer additional helpful information, how-to, tips, etc. that relate to using browser tabs effectively.
A Couple of Innovative Laptops
If you’re a stronger computer user and are looking for a higher-end, feature-rich and innovative notebook computer, I would encourage you to check out ASUS’ ZenBook Pro Duo and Lenovo’s ThinkPad X1 Fold computers. Both computers are feature-rich and have additional built-in displays. The designs of these computers are really quite interesting and unique, and I’m not sure how well I’d adapt to them. Regardless, I’m sharing these two unique computers in case you aren’t already aware of them. If your curiosity level is now elevated, the following link will lead you to two sites where you can learn more about both of these cool computers…https://bridgeurl.com/2-innovative-computers
Sleep Headphones
Sleep headphones are a niche style of headphones that are designed to be comfortable while lying in bed/sleeping. If you want to listen to podcasts, music, or white noise, etc. while in bed, and your current headphones are uncomfortable, sleep headphones may be the solution you need. I would encourage you to consider the wireless (Bluetooth) headband-style of sleep headphones. Why? Because 1) with wireless headphones, you won’t have to worry about getting tangled up in wires; and 2) you’ll be able to slip headband style headphones off easier (without worrying about having to carefully remove separate earbud-style speakers from each ear). The following link will lead you to a webpage that contains links to several articles on the topic…https://bridgeurl.com/headphones-for-sleeping
Windows 10 Tips Archive at the Windows Experience Blog
Although Windows 10 has been around for years, its development hasn’t stagnated and instead continues to receive regular updates. Over time, the operating system has continued to evolve, and features are regularly updated, added, removed, moved, renamed, and/or replaced. Fortunately, this means that if you keep your Windows 10 computer updated, you’re able to benefit from a continuous stream of new and improved features. Unfortunately, this also means that you need to keep up with things as they change over time. To help with this, I recently learned about a useful “Windows 10 Tips” blog that’s hosted on the Windows.com website. The blog has covered a wide variety of topics already and I’m confident that some of them will interest you. Here’s a courtesy link to help get you started…www.tinyurl.com/y2sd5mph
You Just Got Locked Out of Your Google Account! Now What?
What would and should you do if you’re ever locked out of your Google account? Hopefully, you’ll never find yourself in this situation, but if you do, an article titled “What To Do If You Are Locked Out Of Your Google Account” is available at the helpdeskgeek.com website. The article identifies some reasons why a Google account may become locked, as well as steps to take to get it unlocked again. Unfortunately, there are situations where it can take days to get an account unlocked. Here’s a link to the article, and I suggest that you consider bookmarking it for future reference (just in case)…https://tinyurl.com/yxoksccg
20-Year Milestone
Here’s a quick personal trivia tidbit. Last month I concluded my 20th year of writing this Technology column in Real Estate In-Depth. Over the years a lot has changed! Along the way, I’ve enjoyed the challenges of both, staying on top of things, and deciding which discoveries, tips, etc. to share with you each month.
I wish to extend an extra special “Thank You” to those responsible for allowing me the opportunity to continue to write this column, it’s both an honor and privilege.
If you have any comments, suggestions, tips, or questions, you can email John at john@johnvrooman.com.
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