Tarrytown Adaptive Reuse Project of Former YMCA Opens
The project included a rehabilitation of the interior of the original YMCA facility, transforming it into modern apartments.
Boardroom Report
Boards of Directors
Hudson Gateway Association of Realtors, Inc.
April 12, 2023, at the HGAR Offices, Goshen, New York
HGAR Management, Financial & Membership Reports
President Tony D’Anzica presented the President’s Report. President D’Anzica had all present recite the Fair Housing Declaration. He reported on HGAR’s focus on April being Fair Housing Month and encouraged all present to encourage themselves and others to take the Fair Housing Challenge. President D’Anzica informed the board that HGAR’s previously leased automobile would be returned and HGAR would no longer be obligated for the lease payments or insurance. He then reported that the new OneKey Service Agreement was being finalized. He provided an update on the upcoming Lobby Day, noting that more than 90 people had signed up to attend.
Interim CEO Jana Currier presented the CEO’s Report. Interim CEO Currier introduced Vlora Sejdi, HGAR Secretary and Fair Housing Committee Chair, to provide an update on the upcoming Fair Housing Seminar. She then reported on the upcoming Fair Housing events throughout the region and encouraged those present to attend. She invited Freddimir Garcia, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Officer to provide an update on the status of the Second Annual DEI Summit scheduled for June 5 and 6. She then asked Cathleen Stack, Chief Marketing Officer, to provide an update on the new HGAR.com website.
In-house Legal Counsel Brian Levine reported on the new HGAR membership applications as of March 2023, and after review, the Directors approved the applicants.
Treasurer Joseph Lippolis presented the Treasurer’s Reports as of April 1, 2023, a copy of which was provided to the Directors. Discussion was held regarding a capital expenditures proposal and reserve funds. Thereafter, the Directors approved a motion receiving the Treasurer’s Reports and filing for audit.
In-house Legal Counsel Levine presented the latest Ethics Decisions to the Board of Directors, presenting Ethics Decisions designated as 304-E, 305-E, and 305-6 which were provided to each of the Directors prior to the Meeting. After reviewing the Directors approved the decisions.
Ron Garafalo, RPAC Co-Chair, provided the recent RPAC report. It was reported that HGAR was at 75% of its 2023 goal, with $216,000 collected. He reported that Board of Director participation was almost 100% and total participation for HGAR membership was at 65%.
Anthony Domathoti, Immediate Past President and RPAC Co-Chair, reported that two other RPAC events are in the works, including a scotch and cigar night with NAR First Vice President Kevin Sears, and a boat cruise in mid-September, which will be attended by NAR President Kenny Parcels.
Alexander Roithmayr, Director of Government Affairs, reported on the upcoming Lobby Day and added that there was a legislative meeting scheduled for April 13, 2023, to review the Lobby Day agenda.
Eliezer Rodriguez, Regional Director of Government Affairs/Liaison of the Bronx Chapter, reported that he had sent letters to state legislators regarding Lobby Day attendance. He added that he had met with the Bronx Borough President, as well as CHIP, REBNY, and others regarding opposition to “Good Cause Eviction.”
President D’Anzica reported on behalf of the Bronx Building PAG and the ongoing feasibility study. He noted that the PAG was awaiting a copy of the building’s drawings and would provide updates at future Board Meetings.
Interim CEO Currier provided a report on the Real Estate In-Depth PAG. She noted that there was a statistically significant reply to the survey and the next step was to survey the advertisers.
Chief Marketing Officer Stack provided a Commercial Investment Division (CID) update, noting that they had conducted a recent roundtable with representatives of various counties. She added that NYSCAR would be holding its annual CID meeting on April 18th and 19th. She further reported that she was working on a reciprocal sponsorship relationship between HGAR’s CID and NYSCAR. She concluded that CID is currently working with a focus group to improve its structure, as well as the use of the MLS for commercial properties.
Darin “Nan” Palumbo, Chair of the Young Professionals Network (YPN), provided a report on its recent activities and upcoming events, including an upcoming session on lending, another on Artificial Intelligence (in coordination with the BOM Committee), an event for Realtor Safety Month, and attendance at various County Day events. She added that YPN is trying to develop a monthly “Pizza with the President” for each county. She suggested that a possible meeting with YPN could benefit Lobby Day insofar as it could be an informational event to learn about the legislative issues coming up.
Interim CEO Currier and Gary Connolly, Chief Strategy Officer reported that the MLS has begun issuing fines and brokers will begin to see these fines on their bills in the near future.
There being no further business before the Board of Directors, the meeting was adjourned.
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