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The project included a rehabilitation of the interior of the original YMCA facility, transforming it into modern apartments.
Boardroom Report
Boards of Directors
Hudson Gateway Association of Realtors, Inc.
Feb. 17, 2021 via Zoom
HGAR Management, Financial & Membership Reports
President Crystal Hawkins-Syska presented the President’s Report, discussing fair housing training tools available from NAR including the “Fairhaven” Training session, the “At Home with Diversity” class, and the “Implicit Association Test” (IAT). She also urged the Officers and Directors to become acquainted with the newest members of the Board of Directors and observed that a list of the Directors and Officers was circulated at the previous Board of Directors meeting. President Hawkins-Syska also indicated that she would be meeting with the Bronx Chapter in the coming weeks.
CEO Haggerty presented the CEO’s Report, advising that the HGAR offices were operating with minimal in-person staff, with the majority of staff working virtually from home. CEO Haggerty indicated that Lobby Day, scheduled for April 27th, would be conducted via Zoom. CEO Haggerty also highlighted that there would be a call to action regarding co-op transparency legislation to include a requirement that co-op boards provide a reason for rejection of a co-op applicant. CEO Haggerty also advised that implicit bias training was scheduled for the staff.
HGAR Treasurer Bauman presented the Treasurer’s Report for January, which was approved for filing by the Directors.
President Hawkins-Syska then requested confirmation by the Directors of the following individuals appointed by her to the 2021 Finance Committee: Chair Carmen Bauman, Designee of the Education Council: Bradley Brammer, Members at Large: Anthony Domathoti, John Barrett, Joseph Lippolis, Gary Leogrande, Gail Fattizzi and Terri Crozier, and Ex Officio Member: Hawkins-Syska. The Directors approved the proposed members of the 2021 HGAR Finance Committee.
CEO Haggerty then reported on the HGAR Dues Receipts Report and indicated that HGAR was in a very strong financial position.
In-House Counsel Brian Levine reminded the Directors and Officers that Professional Standards Training was being offered on March 8th and 9th.
President and Chair of the Diversity Task Force Crystal Hawkins-Syska then presented an update on the work of the Diversity Task Force.
Past President Fattizzi presented the report of the Office Space Assessment Work Group.
Chair of the Policies and Procedures Task Force Ronald Garafalo reported to the Board of Directors that the first draft of the Policies and Procedures Manual was almost completed and that a draft would be provided to the Directors for their review in the near future.
President Hawkins-Syska indicated that the training sessions scheduled with David Severance and Dr. Nicole Furlonge on Leadership and Implicit Bias training would follow the close of the business portion of the meeting.
Following the training session Dorothy Botsoe announced her resignation from the Board of Directors.
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