Tarrytown Adaptive Reuse Project of Former YMCA Opens
The project included a rehabilitation of the interior of the original YMCA facility, transforming it into modern apartments.
Boardroom Report
Boards of Directors
Hudson Gateway Association of Realtors, Inc. (HGAR)
June 17, 2020 via Zoom
HGAR Management, Financial & Membership Reports
CEO Richard Haggerty updated on the COVID-19 pandemic and provided the Officers and Directors with plans for reopening the HGAR offices which are set for July 6th. CEO Haggerty indicated that all education courses for the remainder of the year would be conducted via Zoom.
President Gail Fattizzi reported that NYSAR was continuing to conduct weekly video conference calls with the leadership of all associations throughout New York. President Fattizzi then reported on the status the Leadership Accelerator Program. She indicated that those who had applied had been chosen and that they were still waiting for some individuals to accept.
Treasurer Anthony Domathoti presented the Treasurer’s Report as of June 1, 2020, and after review the Directors approved receipt of the report for filing.
The Directors approved Barry Kramer’s appointment to the Nominating Committee.
President-Elect and Chairperson of the Diversity Task Force, Crystal Hawkins-Syska presented the report of the Diversity Task Force. Hawkins Syska reported that the Task Force held its first meeting. She reviewed the members of the Task Force with the Board. She explained that the objective of the Diversity Task Force was to establish a Diversity Committee. Hawkins Syska reported that the Task Force will be having its next meeting on July 3rd.
President-Elect and Chairperson Hawkins Syska then presented to the Directors for consideration a “Diversity Statement” to be included in Article II (Objectives) of the recently approved HGAR Bylaws. Discussion ensued. After discussion the Directors approved the following Diversity Statement to be included in the HGAR Bylaws:
“Section 1. To advance equal opportunity, fair housing, diversity and non-discrimination in all matters affecting the practice of real estate, including those specific standards set forth in the Code of Ethics, and in local, state and federal laws, and to promote diversity throughout the organization. Diversity is an inclusive concept, encompassing gender, race, color, ethnic origin, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, age, disability, gender identity, familial status and financial status. We are a more enriched and effective Association because of diversity, as it increases our Association’s strengths, capabilities and adaptability.”
OneKey MLS Report
OneKey MLS, LLC Board of Managers Chair Leah Caro provided a status report on OneKey MLS, LLC., noting that OneKey MLS officially launched on March 24th. Chair Caro requested that the Board approve an extension of time to choose the Outside Managers of OneKey to January 1, 2021, and after discussion the Directors approved the extension.
Caro further reported that due to the pandemic, the OneKey Board of Managers placed all automatic fines on hold until further notice. She pointed out that NAR’s Clear Cooperation Policy did go into effect on May 1st. Chair Caro also indicated that “coming soon” listings must be limited to 14 days and then must be listed in the MLS and made available to the public. She noted that if a property is not ready to be listed, then it must be placed temporarily off market (“TOM”). Chair Caro also reported that the official launch of the new public-facing website would be this coming Monday, June 22nd. She noted that, in her opinion, she believed it to be one of the best public-facing MLS websites. She also noted that it would be available in 27 languages. Finally, Caro noted that the annual fees billing was delayed due to the pandemic and that billing would commence on July 1st and would be prorated for the remainder of the year.
Additional Updates
CEO Haggerty next discussed the status of the proposed merger between HGAR and the Bronx-Manhattan Association of Realtors, Inc. (“BMAR”). He indicated that notice of the Special Meeting of the Membership to approve the merger and the new Bylaws would now be sent out and that the Special Meeting would be held on July 1st. CEO Haggerty reported that BMAR’s Membership had approved the merger and that he was waiting for BMAR’s notification of same before sending notice of a special meeting out to HGAR’s membership. CEO Haggerty noted that in addition to approval of the merger by HGAR’s membership, the merger would still be contingent upon receipt of consent from the New York State Attorney General’s office.
President Fattizzi pointed out to the Directors that reports of the various Committees and Councils (i.e. Education Council, Fair Housing Committee, Legislative Committee, Professional Standards Committee, RPAC Committee, and Global Business Council) had been provided to them via email. President Fattizzi also indicated that reports of the Commercial & Investment Division, Women’s Council, HG Realtor Foundation, including the Communications Report prepared by Director of Communications Mary Prenon, were also e-mailed to the Directors.
President Fattizzi further reported that HGAR’s Annual Member’s Day and Annual Membership Meeting would be held virtually for the first time in HGAR’s history due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. She noted that only two awards would be presented at this year’s Annual Meeting.
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