The 20-year Riverdale resident got his real estate license in 2014 and began working with a local brokerage. After just three years, he decided to branch out on his own.
Boardroom Report
Boards of Directors
Hudson Gateway Association of Realtors, Inc.
May 25, 2022, at the HGAR Offices, White Plains, New York
HGAR Management, Financial & Membership Reports
President Anthony Domathoti presented the President’s Report, acknowledging the recent HGAR members who were inducted into the RPAC Hall of Fame, the strong turnout for Lobby Day, and the upcoming DEI Summit, to be held in June.
CEO Richard Haggerty then presented the CEO’s Report, also addressing the upcoming DEI Summit; the introduction of Michael Neppl, the new Government Affairs Director; and Director of Events, Jennifer Quinones.
Treasurer Carmen Bauman presented the Treasurer’s Report as of May 1, 2022, a copy of which was provided to the Directors. After review and discussion, the Directors approved the receipt of the Treasurer’s Report, and it was filed for audit.
Treasurer Bauman next presented the Year End Financial Report for the year ending Dec. 31, 2021, a copy of which was provided to the Directors. CEO Haggerty provided additional insight and information relating to this report. Thereafter, discussion ensued relating to the reporting, including but not limited to possible reidentification of the Bronx building in future reports, changes in the payment chain for NAR and NYSAR dues, and the costs related to engaging a new accounting firm. After discussion, the Directors approved a motion receiving the year end financials.
President Domathoti advised the Directors that there was a vacancy on the Nominating Committee, and pursuant to the HGAR By-laws he was appointing Leah Caro to serve on the Nominating Committee for the 2022 term. After discussion, the Directors approved Realtor Caro’s appointment to the Nominating Committee.
Recognition Committee Chair Ron Garafalo, reported on the recent Recognition Committee meeting and its recommendation that all future awards created be approved by the Board of Directors, and after discussion, the Directors approved this recommendation.
Recognition Committee Chair Garafalo next sought a motion from the Board of Directors to approve the creation of a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Award, and after discussion, the Directors approved this motion.
Professional Standards Committee Chair, Layla Boyles presented the latest Professional Standards Report. HGAR In-House Legal Counsel Brian Levine then presented four Ethics Decisions to the Board of Directors, designated as 289-E, 290-E, 291-E, and 292-E, copies of which had been provided to the Directors prior to the meeting. After individual review and discussion of the Ethics Decisions, the Directors approved individual motions confirming each Decision and the Recommendations of the respective panels.
Levine next reported on the recent meeting of the Citation Policy PAG relating to the creation of a HGAR Citation Policy and their recommendation that such a Policy be created, with further developments and recommendations to be forthcoming after future meetings.
Government Affairs Director, Michael Neppl and Eli Rodriguez, Director of Advocacy, provided a Legislative Committee update, a Lobby Day recap, and provided insight into the new state redistricting and its potential impact.
Freddimir Garcia, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Officer, reported on the upcoming DEI Summit, entitled “Discover Learn Act” which will take place on June 13th and 14th, in Mahwah, NJ.
CEO Haggerty reported on the Leadership Accelerator Program, discussing the success of the program, member upcoming graduation, and their recent video project.
Rey Hollingsworth Falu, Broker, Owner, Manager Committee Chair, updated the Board of Directors on recent activity and informed the Board of its next event on July 11, 2022.
There being no further business before the Board of Directors, the meeting was adjourned.
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